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Introducing Memberships
19 Feb 2023 | 1 minute read | 317 reads
To enhance the app's functionality and user experience, we would like to introduce a new feature that allows users to easily manage their membership subscriptions.

The new membership management feature will enable UJU merchants to create, view, and manage their membership subscriptions from a single dashboard. The dashboard will include information about the user's current membership status, payment history, and upcoming subscription renewals.

The feature will also enable users to set up automatic renewals for their subscriptions, ensuring that they never miss a payment and remain active members of their organization or club. Users will be able to choose from different subscription plans, set up by you, each with its own duration and price, and upgrade or downgrade their subscriptions as needed.

Furthermore, UJU's new membership management feature will allow users to receive notifications and reminders about upcoming subscription renewals, ensuring they don't miss a payment or accidentally let their membership expire.

Overall, this new feature will help UJU users easily manage their memberships and stay connected to your organization or club, promoting increased engagement and stronger community relationships.

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